Monday, April 18, 2011

Succeeding to the Finish

Have you ever wanted to give up? Recently I heard a message that really spoke to me. It was entitled, “Faithful in a Finished Place.” The preacher encouraged us to end strong; to see an endeavor through to completion even when the finish doesn’t seem that it will ever come.
You may be there right now; experiencing the frustration of doing all that God has required but not seeing the results. Well join the club. There are times when I feel like Dre—you know, from the Karate Kid—putting on the same jacket over and over again. I sometimes want to scream, “What’s the point God?” But I know He has a point. And if I am patient, the point will be made for the whole world to see.
Frustration comes when you try to use human logic to understand God’s plan. However, the Word clearly states, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). Therefore if you are going to succeed the way God intended you must release your agenda and patiently wait on Him.
It may not feel like it right now but your patience will pay off; each step you make in obedience to God opens another door. Like Abraham, hope against hope. Although old and childless he believed that God would make him the father of many nations. And God did.
You can’t see it right now but God’s promises are coming to pass with each obedient step. If faithful you will make it to the final finish and succeed beyond your wildest dreams!

What pressing life issue threatens your success? I am answering your questions at or you can inbox me on my Facebook page.

Wishing you God's good success in every area of your life!
Dr. Celeste


  1. Thanks for this! Very good. I posted it on my daughter's facebook wall as she is struggling with the finish of her college year.

  2. College...I remember those days. It seemed as if the torture would never end! But of course it all seasons do.

    Let her know to keep pushing; it will be over before she knows it and well worth the effort.
