Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It Will Cost You Something


If I’m really trying to continue to further my relationship with God, does that have to affect my friends & family I have really close relationships with?


If I may read between the lines, I believe you are asking if you will be required to distance yourself from or even severe relationships that compromise your walk with God. If that is correct, the answer is YES.

Truth be told, following Christ requires sacrifice; it will cost you something. “Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 10:23).

This scripture is not implying that we are to literally carry a cross as Jesus did but instead it’s reminds us that our decision to follow Christ requires some sacrifice and each day we must willingly surrender our will for His.  

But even at the cost of our personal freedom there is so much to be gain including an abundant/prosperous life here on earth. “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it” (Luke 10:24). By way of illustration let me share two brief stories.

My mother accepted Christ as her personal savior in 1976, one year before my father. Needless to say he was less than thrilled to hear of her decision. Nonetheless she remained faithful to her convictions and her unwavering stand for God paid off. My Dad has now been a Christian for about 35 years.

When I met my husband in 1999, he had not yet accepted Christ as his personal savior. Soon after our brief encounter he was deployed to Saudi Arabia. We continued to communicate by email for four months. I vowed to God (unbeknownst to my husband) that if he returned to the states an unbeliever I would severe our relationship. One week before his return he accepted Christ. We have now been happily married for 10 years.

Of course I focused on romantic relationships but this principle of surrender in the area of relationships, applies across the board—be it mother, father, or friend. God wants all of your heart and He will have you put no other god before Him (see Exodus 20:3).

By now you’re probably getting the point—taking a stand for Christ is the best but not so easy choice; the risks are real and you stand to lose some relationships. But my friend, the risk pale in comparison to what you are to gain:

Jesus said, "Mark my words, no one who sacrifices house, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, land—whatever—because of me and the Message will lose out. They'll get it all back, but multiplied many times in homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and land—but also in troubles. And then the bonus of eternal life! This is once again the Great Reversal: Many who are first will end up last, and the last first." (Mark 10:29-31, Message)

Therefore it behooves you to focus on what’s to gain rather than the potential losses. In other words, don’t let the fear of losing keep you from doing what is right.

I have learned over the years—by much trial and error—that following God pays big and because of my obedience I now live a life worth living. I am no longer plagued by defeat, depression, or indecision. I find good success in all my dealings because I am willing to seek God for His direction and wisdom.  

I pray the same becomes true for you. Take a bold stand for righteousness. Yes, it will cost you something and it will positively and negatively affect the status of your relationships but it will be worth it. In fact, you may even win (for Christ) the ones you fear losing. Whatever the case don’t let the enemy use fear to keep you from living the abundant life God intended for you from the beginning.

I would be delighted to answer your questions. Simply forward them to info@drcelesteowens.com or inbox me on Facebook.

Also, please feel free to share your story of encouragement below.

Wishing you God’s good success in every area of your life,
Dr. Celeste


  1. This post is from Carolyn D. Tatem:

    I would answer this question by saying yes. Anytime that we have Jesus on the inside, He will make a difference in every relationship that we have. When people have been close to you, they will notice a change in you. Growing closer to God changes the way that we think, walk, talk and act. So therefore, it changes the way that we relate to others. If our family and friends are not striving to do the same thing, it may seem as though you are growing apart from family and friends only because your desires and interest begin to change. However, if your family members are saved and also striving to work on their relationship with God you can all grow together and encourage each other along the way. Sometimes our friends and family can't handle the change that they see in us. Some may begin to feel uncomfortable because of the difference that they see in you, its ok. I can remember feeling like this was a lonely journey when I first got saved, because my friends began to change. My parents weren't saved and didn't seem to understand. God always sent people who were Christians and who were there to help me throughout my journey.

  2. Thanks Carolyn, well said!

    Please check out Carolyn's book:

    "Marriage from A to Z"
    Principles For A Successful Marriage

    It has wonderful advice on how to build and maintain a successful marriage. I recommend is highly and not just because she's my friend :).
