Friday, May 13, 2011

Make This One Count

The other day my sister Nicole called me with a story that blessed me and I hope it does the same for you.

A few weeks ago she was the birthing coach for our sister Stephanie who was having her first baby. Not knowing what to expect Stephanie was naturally apprehensive and a little confused. Understanding her dilemma the doctor began to repeat the same phrase at each contraction, “Okay Stephanie, make this one count.”
At first Stephanie wasn’t making it count. She was pushing half-heartedly or not at all. As a result of her efforts—or lack thereof—the baby would surface momentarily and then retreat. Then she would have to start all over again.
However, after a few failed attempts she had an “aha  moment.” If she was going to succeed at having her baby she was going to have to push through the pain with all her might. So when the next contraction came, she made it count and is now the proud mommy of a beautiful baby boy.
Like Stephanie, some of you are in the throws of an uncomfortable experience and want God to rescue you without any effort on your part. It doesn’t work that way. God requires that you do your part and make every effort count. 
This is not a post about avoiding pain or wishing yourself out of a season that you just have to weather. No, there are some things you just have to endure. That season for me was cancer.  I prayed fervently for God to remove the lump without any medical treatment but He didn’t. And I am glad he didn’t. I needed to weather that storm so that I and others could see His glory. 
But this is different. This discussion is about you hindering your own progress. Let me illustrate.
Last April, I approached a publisher about a book I have written on destiny. They agreed to publish me but on terms that were unsuitable, so I declined and waited (and waited some more). In fact the wait has been so long that I am content to just stay right where I am but God won’t let me. He is now nudging me to move forward.
So with fear and trepidation I am now soliciting agents. I sent out my first 10 email queries the other night. The next day, 2 declined. One even wrote, “Thanks for querying me about your work. With a very full plate, I take on new writers only in exceptional circumstances, and your work is not, I am sorry to say, for me.” Ouch! But like my grandmother use to say, “One monkey don’t spoil no show.” (Feel free to interpret that any way you like.)
Anyway, there is good news. One agent asked to see my proposal! My efforts are paying off and I know I will be published soon.
What is God calling you to? What amazing ministry, business, book, or other experience does He want you to birth in you? Then push. Don’t let fear and the pain of rejection keep you from what is yours. The doctor has spoken, “Okay _______________ (put your name here), make this one count!”
Please feel free to leave comments below. Also, if you have a question you would like for me to answer please email me at or inbox me on Facebook.
Wishing you God’s good success in every area of your life!
Dr. Celeste

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