Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To Free or Not to Free

I have a quick question about charging a fee for ministry work. The other night my dad and I were talking about my ideas, ministry, blog, etc., whereupon he told me “Whatever you do that is church related should always be FREE.” Do you know I cringed at the thought?  So I prayed about it, well rather, I said to the Lord, “really does it all have to be free?”  And the Lord said "It doesn't belong to you.  Are you really concerned about money? Everything, including your ideas has come from me."  Then I started thinking about a curriculum that I have wrote for mothers and started feeling some sense of "ownership" over that material.  Again the Lord said, "It's not yours." I am having a hard time with this. Please help! 

Thank you for your question. It’s interesting that you would ask me this question now. Had you asked me this question some time last year I would have readily agreed with your father’s statement but now I know better.
I am taking a year-long biblical entrepreneurship course taught by Patrice Tsague of the Nehemiah Project (http://nehemiahproject.org/training-certificate-course.htm). It is fantastic and has changed the way I view and approach ministry.
Mr. Tsague posits that a kingdom business/ministry, like any other business, requires money to grow. If we are regularly giving away our gifts and talents we hinder the growth of the ministry and thus hamper our ability to further the work of the kingdom.
Mr Tsague further suggests that we are bad stewards of our gifts and talents when we don’t properly “steward” what God has given to us. He references the parable of the servants and the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and interestingly enough the story of Joseph (Genesis 41). Joseph wasn’t the business owner but he was entrusted to grow Pharaoh’s wealth and further his kingdom. He couldn’t just give it all out for free because it wasn’t his!
The same is true for us. We don’t own anything; it all belongs to God. Isn’t that what God has been telling you, “It all belongs to me”? Therefore, it behooves you (and the rest of us) to do right by Him. If He has given us books, curriculums, and inventions we are to get those copyrighted or patented so that we can keep control of what God has entrusted to us. This is not about us but Him.
So let’s follow your father’s argument to its logical conclusion. If it’s wrong to charge for church related activities no one who works for the church should be paid. That would include the pastor, ministry leaders, and church employees. According to this argument they, too, should be working for free. I don’t see that happening nor should it. I Timothy 5:18b reads, “The laborer is worthy of his hire.”
Now am I suggesting that you never volunteer for the church or in church related activities? Of course not. You should be in the regular practice of giving of your time and abilities to the church (even tithing a portion of your business time for volunteer activities) but seek God for the His will so that you are balanced in your efforts (see Proverbs 3:5-6).
Lastly, God wants you to succeed at advancing His kingdom and the ministry that He has entrusted to you. And for that to happen, my dear, you will need some money!   
I would also love to answer your questions too. Please forward them to info@drcelesteowens.com or inbox me on Facebook. Also please feel free to comment on this post below.
Wishing you God’s good success in every area of your life!
Dr. Celeste


  1. OMG...this is so timely and one of the reasons I have not moved forward in a few things. Even though I would love to just gather people together and give things away (meals included), I have been convicted that it is not fair to my husband, who graciously funds everything. Gotta love him!!!

    Thanks again for confirming that if I don't put a value on some things, others won't value it.

  2. @Divine Exchange - So true. It sounds like you are able to help a few people now but think about how many more you will be able to help if you put a value to your services and start to build the ministry.

    God has called you to a mighty work. The time is now for you to move into what God has called you to do; it is now time to possess the land. Be blessed!

  3. Thanks so much for answering this question so thoroughly, it has also cleared up some things for me. I am excited that your are attending the Nehemiah Project's biblical entreprenuership course. I get Mr. Tsague's newsletter!

  4. @A. Muschette - You are welcome. I also receive Mr. Tsague's newletters. He is doing an awesome work. I encourage any business owners to take his course. It will be offered again at First Baptist Church of Glenarden in 2012.
