Friday, September 16, 2011

Just Do It

You probably think Nike coined “Just Do It,” but technically it was Mary, the mother of Jesus who first spoke those famous words at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. 

The wedding was a spectacular event with many invited guest. No doubt, everyone was having a great time and all was going as planned until the wine ran out. What a disaster and an embarrassment for the host. What were they to do? Mary had their answer, “Just do it.”
To quote her exact words she told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5). By “He” she was referring to her son, Jesus. In turn, Jesus instructed the servants to fill six pots with water. That may have seemed an odd request, but they moved into action and just did it. And what happened next was nothing short of a miracle—Jesus’ first in fact—the water was turned into wine!
We, today, are to be like those servants. When God ask us to do something, we should move into action immediately without a whole lot of discussion and doubt.
Some of you are delaying your miracles because you have decided to disobey His command, but if you would just step out and do it, God would move on your behalf.

I know you can’t see how His plan is going to work out, but faith isn’t about seeing, but believing. So surrender your plan, (which, by the way, isn’t working anyway) and just do what He’s calling you to do. Go ahead and start that business, go back to school, join a church, write a blog, reconcile with your spouse…whatever it is, “just do it” and watch Him work it out for your good.
I am wishing your good success in every area of your life,
Dr. Celeste

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