Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wrong Again

I can't tell you how many times I have misjudged a person or situation; how many times my eyes and ears have convinced me of one thing only for it to be something else. 
This morning I was led to pray that God would open my "spiritual" eyes and ears (from Isaiah 11:1-4). No sooner had a prayed this prayer I was put to the test. As I was sitting in my parent's family room I noticed the smell of smoke. As no one in my family smokes, the logical explanation was my teenage nephew who had stayed the night. I could see him sneaking into the family room in the middle of the night to have a quick "secret" smoke. No sooner that I had this absurd thought the Spirit reminded me that the smoke smell was coming from me!

Yesterday I was visiting an establishment which smelled heavily of smoke. The smell was so overwhelming that after about 15 minutes I had to leave to prevent myself from choking. As a consequence my hair and skin smelled of smoke but I hadn't noticed until this morning. All I know is that I thank God he opened my spiritual eyes before I made a complete fool of myself and hurt someone else in my haste to judge.

Are you in a habit of judging before you have all the facts? If yes, I encourage you to ask God to open your spiritual eyes. Timothy wrote, "Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7).

Do not make decisions based on what you see and hear in the natural but ask God to give you wisdom and discernment so that you can see people and situations for what they REALLY are. When you start to see as He does His favor and peace will rest upon you; people will be drawn to you and you will prosper in every area of your life.

I would love to answer your questions. Please forward them to info@drcelesteowens.com or inbox me on Facebook. Also, feel free to comment on this post below.
Wishing you God’s good success in every area of your life!
Dr. Celeste

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