Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Surrender Fast 2013: Cycle 5 starts Feb. 18

Join us for a powerful time of prayer and fasting!!!

Cycle 5 of Surrender Fast 2013 starts Feb. 18! 


Sunday, December 25, 2011

What is Surrender 2012?

Surrender 2012 is a time of corporate prayer and fasting with believers from across the country. It is a time for you to experience God in a new way, transition smoothly to your next season, and to rid yourself of every hindrance that keeps you from receiving God’s best.

Our time together will start January 2 and continue to February 10. Here are a few simple steps to prepare:
  1. Purchase The 40-Day Surrender Fast (Celeste C. Owens, PhD):
    1. Official Surrender Fast Website
    2. Facebook (“Like” us and receive 20% off until December 21)
    3. Barnes and Noble and Amazon online
    4. First Baptist Church of Glenarden bookstore
    5. Ebook
  2. Complete the Pre-Fast Preparation chapters prior to January 2.
We will begin reading on January 2 with Day 1 – Expect the Unexpected.

And that’s just the beginning. God is going to show up in a powerful way. Others that have completed this fast have been tremendously blessed and God wants to do the same for you!

Even if you have never completed a fast you can do this one. To help you along I have implemented several resources:
  1. The Surrender 2012 Blog. Sign up to this blog to receive a new post of encouragement every Monday.
  2. Daily Prayer. Dial in Monday – Thursday for prayer from 7:00a.m. – 7:15a.m. You can submit your prayer request to this blog, by email, or on Facebook (inbox me if you want to send a private message). The number is 712-775-7200, access code: 438001.
  3. Weekly conference call. Fridays from 12:00p.m. – 12:30p.m. Be encouraged through prayer and powerful testimonies of those who have completed or are completing the Surrender Fast. The number is 712-775-7200, access code: 438001.
  4. Facebook and Twitter updates. You are welcome to use these social media outlets to update us on your progress or encourage others through you testimony.
You won’t want to miss this experience! Your willingness to surrender it all to God will pay off in a major way.

Please invite others to participate. As you know, there is no better way to start your new year then through prayer and fasting. If you make this sacrifice, I can guarantee you that your life will never be the same!

Change is in the air,
Dr. Celeste

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Surrender 2012

Are you as excited as I am about Surrender 2012?! This will be a tremendous time of blessings for all that decide to be part of this great event.

If you are planning to participate, please do the following:

1. Visit the official Surrender Fast website or Facebook to sign up.
2. Purchase the book.
3. Start on January 2, 2012.

It's that simple.

Also, I know that I have many international readers of this blog. Welcome and please join us on Jan. 2. Better yet, reply to this message and let us know where you reside.

Freedom is on the way; get ready to live your best life!

Wishing you God's good success in every area of your life,
Dr. Celeste

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just Do It

You probably think Nike coined “Just Do It,” but technically it was Mary, the mother of Jesus who first spoke those famous words at the marriage feast in Cana of Galilee. 

The wedding was a spectacular event with many invited guest. No doubt, everyone was having a great time and all was going as planned until the wine ran out. What a disaster and an embarrassment for the host. What were they to do? Mary had their answer, “Just do it.”
To quote her exact words she told the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it” (John 2:5). By “He” she was referring to her son, Jesus. In turn, Jesus instructed the servants to fill six pots with water. That may have seemed an odd request, but they moved into action and just did it. And what happened next was nothing short of a miracle—Jesus’ first in fact—the water was turned into wine!
We, today, are to be like those servants. When God ask us to do something, we should move into action immediately without a whole lot of discussion and doubt.
Some of you are delaying your miracles because you have decided to disobey His command, but if you would just step out and do it, God would move on your behalf.

I know you can’t see how His plan is going to work out, but faith isn’t about seeing, but believing. So surrender your plan, (which, by the way, isn’t working anyway) and just do what He’s calling you to do. Go ahead and start that business, go back to school, join a church, write a blog, reconcile with your spouse…whatever it is, “just do it” and watch Him work it out for your good.
I am wishing your good success in every area of your life,
Dr. Celeste

Now available The 40-Day Surrender Fast. Pick up your copy at

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Know Your Brand

I have a good sense of what I was put on this earth to do however, there are times I forget. Take last night for example.  I was perusing the web and happened upon a site on branding. The site promoted the typical “you need to build a brand that makes you a lot of money or you are a failure” type of message.  Accordingly, the “expert” showcased her success at building her own brand by flaunting pictures with celebrities, and testimonials from CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

The more I read, the more I felt as if I was doing it all wrong. Sadly, it took about 30 minutes before I realized what was happening.  I was allowing my mind to be bombarded with a message that wasn’t true for me. Building my brand has nothing to do with riches and stardom.
Like I said earlier, I know why I was put here. I am here to help others develop a mind to succeed and complete their earthly assignment. I have a particular interest in doing this with underserved populations. Even now my husband and I are in the process of drafting a plan to implement a non-profit that will teach the homeless, prisoners, addicts, and the severely abused how to think in a way that will bring them success (whatever success will look like for them).
This calling may be a lot of things, but glamorous it is not. Will it bring me in contact with celebrities? Probably not. Will I be wined and dined by Fortune 500 companies? Unlikely.  But what I will be is satisfied.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to get to the end of my life and look back with regret because I chased opportunities that were not mine to have. I plan to end my life knowing that I did everything that God told me to do. I pray that that will also be your testimony.
In one respect the experts are right. You need to know your brand and build it. But let me also add, let your heart build that brand and not your greed.

If you also have a tough calling, please comment and tell us what you are doing (or plan to do) and how you manage to stay focused. From your comments we will randomly select two of you to receive a free autographed copy of The 40-Day Surrender Fast.
I am wishing you good success in every area of your life,
Dr. Celeste
Now available The 40-Day Surrender Fast. Purchase your copy at or Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The 40-Day Surrender Fast

Hello. I am pleased to announce that the 40-Day Surrender Fast is now available! If you are in a season of transition or in need of a spiritual transformation this is the book for you. The Surrender Fast will help you to re-group and re-focus so that you are able to do just what you were created to do. Please visit for more details. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Healthy Lifestyle Challenge

I am issuing a challenge! In the quest for a healthier me, I decided in March to eliminate sweets/desserts from my diet. I've lost weight and feel great. Perhaps you would like to join me. I am going to the end of the year but maybe you will do it for a day, week, or month. Let me know by commenting below.

In this video I discuss why I made the choice to eliminate refined sugars. I also discuss the #1 reason some people fail at the use of moderation in their diet. Lastly, I tell you how I lost over 20 pounds.

Thanks for watching and I am wishing you good success in every area of your life!
Dr. Celeste